Big Cocks Fact or Myth? | How To Take A Massive Cock
Ideally, your sweetheart/spouse/life partner/hookup should have the Goldilocks of Big Cocks: not very enormous and not very small—just ideal and right for you. In any case, this is not a perfect world, and the fact of the matter is that size can some of the time be an issue. His penis and your vagina/Ass may not generally match up very well. We checked in with some gynaecologists to see whether a penis can ever be too huge for your vagina—and what to do if you discover yourself managing the father bear of penises. Don’t fear similar techniques can be used for anal relaxation and assistance as well.

Here’s the uplifting news: when all is said in done, most vaginas have the capacity to fit all shapes and sizes of penises. The same can generally be said for ass as well – asses will generally need a little more preparation and unlike vaginas which will be more accommodating, asses may need to have some exercises before engaging with larger dicks or toys. When given suitable excitement and lubrication, most vaginas can expand to fit whatever size penis. But remember many of the penis stories are myths.
Big Cocks
Unfortunately for some, even the mere sight of a large penis can cause anxiety and panic. For the most part, one of the first issues that people encounter is stress. If you’re in a state of stress or anxiety, then the muscles are simply not going to relax, making it more difficult for enjoyable and pleasurable sex.
Contrary to popular belief – the issue of accommodating larger men is less common in younger women and far more common in older women. The reason for this is that older women are far more prone to be having therapeutic or hormonal issues building up in the system. Fitting larger dicks is not necessarily about sexual experience, but the hormone levels in your body as well.
That said, there are special cases. Infrequently, it can appear like a penis is too enormous for a lady’s vagina. What’s more, if that is the situation, the vital thing is that you have to make sense of why it’s going on—in light of the fact that it can be understood.
Taking A Big Cock
There are two major reasons that his man-parts can appear to be too substantial. To begin with, you may not be turned on enough. Truly. This may be because you’re too anxious at the size of it. On the off chance that a lady is not aroused, it’s conceivable that a penis may not go in. Then again on the off chance that it does, it could hurt or cause tearing. To alter this issue, make sure you are well lubricated before he enters you. Request that he take part in some prolonged foreplay before the primary act, or use some lubricant to get things going.
Another probability is that some pharmaceuticals could be making your vagina a bit dried out—and you may not even acknowledge it. Some low-measurement contraception pills can cause vaginal dryness, and additionally antihistamines and most cancer medicines, similar to radiation. So on the off chance that you keep on being dry down there—regardless of the possibility that your fellow is about foreplay—check in with your specialist or gyno to check whether one of the meds you are bringing may be upsetting your sexual coexistence.
With asses it’s a little different. Since the ass does not self-lubricate the majority of issues concerning anal sex revolves around relaxation. The sphincter muscles are not voluntary muscles, and there are a lot of eager boys out there with big dicks that don’t necessarily understand the fine art of patience. Simply ramming a cock against an ass or vagina isn’t necessarily going to make it open. So with asses – there are several options.
Make sure they’re relaxed, make yourself distracted, get your partner to stimulate some other body part as he gently places his dick against the opening and gently pushes against it. When the muscles open he’ll slip it. Ensure that both the opening and the cock are WELL lubricated. If he gets a little of the way in, then he needs to take it slowly. VERY slowly. Use the distract and edge in method, If you’re in pain then he should stop and wait for the muscles to relax again. If they’re not relaxing, then they may need some further exercise, so read on from here.
Resovable Consequences
The vital thing to concentrate on here is that this is a resolvable circumstance. It can be done! So long as your following the advice above, and some of the advice below. Because let’s face it, in this life, we all face challenges — tests of our courage, causes that appear to be past lost, issues that appear to push the very furthest reaches of our astuteness, innovativeness, and grit. Furthermore, once in a while, one of those difficulties is making sense of how to manage a huge penis.
Trust that, similar to the respectable Sasquatch, the too-huge penis is basically a myth; others believe you’re exploring different avenues regarding another sort of humblebragger when you whine that a too-huge penis hurt your vagina/ass so much while engaging in sexual relations that despite everything it stings hours after the fact.Huge penises sound awesome on paper, obviously, but in reality that’s a completely different story. In any case, engaging in sexual relations with a large penis can be diverting in a manner that makes it difficult to have a fun in the moment and hard to concentrate on climaxing. So to make it more fun, I have come up with a few simple tips to get the ball rolling on dicks that are simply too big at first.
Tips For Fitting That Huge Cock!
1. Lube, lube, lube
Lube is a fantastic for a reason — it’s one of those basic things that explain an astonishing number of regular issues. Apply lube all around — I mean, all around. Get down to business! What’s more, don’t simply apply it to the penis being referred to — verify you get your vaginal or anal opening extremely lubed up. Also, I would say, doing this truly diminishes the rawness you can now and again feel after sex.
2. Attempt Unique Positions
Do you like being on top? Great, on the grounds that in your new existence of comfort, you will be doing a considerable measure of it – being on top that is! I for one don’t love being on top, however I’ve found that by at any rate beginning on top, it is less demanding for me to get my buddy’s penis in, and there’s less of the awful rubbing that can make it feel like you cleaned your cooch in those initial couple of moments of insertion. It has additionally helped me loosen up enough to in the long run shift into different positions as the program gets more heated.
3. Concentrate on foreplay/after play
A nearby companion with significant experience in the domain of titan dicks prescribed this to me years prior, and I’ve observed it to be a lifeline/hole-saver. Make penis-in-bodypenetration simply some piece of the sexual experience, instead of the last course. This can mean completion in shared masturbation, manual stimulation, a session of monopoly — the sky is the point of confinement. This is additionally a decent approach to join toys or different components that will zest up your life.
4. Break out the toys
Toys are a great way to get the ball rolling. Now this aspect can work in several ways. Firstly, as a stepping stone to larger things; by that I mean rather than jumping from step two to step six, you might find it easier to add in step four along the way. There are literally thousands of different dildos and sex toys out there, so whilst I’m not advocating for you to take your partner out the local sex store and get him to whip it out amongst the toys and pick something that’s a stepping stone to him – you should certainly take him there and pick out something you both feel comfortable using.
My advice would be either to get a progressively larger bead set – which slowly increments in size with each bead – or to get an inflatable toy. The inflatable toy will work particularly well for anal play as this will slowly stretch the sphincter to an acceptable level without necessarily tearing a hole through it. For vaginal toys, or stretchers you could even incorporate a steel speculum. Whilst this may seem crude and medical – you could circumvent this by playing doctors. This will allow you to sufficiently stretch the muscles and have them ‘warmed up’ before a delightful penetrative meal.
Sex toys are a great way to break up the momentum – a toy can ‘interrupt’ a session and break it up – helping each of the players in the game last longer and provide an enduring play session.
5. Discuss it
Whether your ideal sex scene is the auto scene from Titanic or something out of Edward Penis Hands, it presumably does not include saying stuff like ‘ I need you to slow down’, ‘this position isn’t working for me’, ‘ow ow ow ow ow ow’. But as much as it meddles with a considerable measure of our dreams about what sex ought to resemble, discussing what you are feeling and what you require at that point is likely the best instrument in the huge dick-taking arsenal. It’s the way to conforming points, evolving positions, including more lube — all of things that make engaging in sexual relations with an enormous penis conceivable. Over time, the verbal communication may diminish as you recognise each other subtle signals and undertones.
6. Change your desires
At the point when working with a gigantic penis, a few things will take additional time. A few things will be outlandish. A few things will be conceivable, however they’ll take a great deal more arranging and hardware than you at first thought, and you may begin to feel like you are helping somebody manufacture a device shed instead of taking part in an unconstrained demonstration of lovemaking.
So the most supportive instrument for, uh, taking care of a big dick, is to attempt to drop your assumptions about what you need to do to make your sex look “great” — that sex shouldn’t need to have toys, or a huge measure of foreplay without fail, or whatever it is you require. Sex doesn’t need to look great, it can be awkward as hell, but if you’re laughing at the end of it and curled in each others arms in a post coital bliss as the cats run around the room then you’ve done well. Try not to worry about that. Besides, big dicks can be fun.